Digitalization in the maritime industry

Digitalization is gaining fast ground

The transition towards digitalization and automation is speeding up in the maritime industry. Digital technologies and solutions are being used to increase competitiveness and enhance operational efficiency. They are also being implemented to spur the industry along the decarbonization path to realize zero emissions from international shipping by mid-century.

Data streams from sensors and other sources of information can be used for decision making and enhanced monitoring, control, quality assurance and verification.

To secure efficient, sustainable operations and strengthen short- and long-term competitiveness, maritime stakeholders need to re-think their current strategies and adapt. Below you find elements that need to be considered during the strategy phase.

Management, resources, and capabilities:

  • Organization redesign and talent review
  • Centralization and function allocation
  • Adaption of new operating methods
  • Internal development and skill building
  • Acquiring new talent through hiring
  • Outsourcing functions to external companies

Integrated systems, tools, and connectivity:

  • IT and system integration
  • Increased network and connectivity
  • Automation, remote monitoring and control
  • Data management and cyber security
  • Data-collection, -sharing and -analysis
  • Data standardization (protocol)

Technology and efficient solutions:

  • Leveraging existing technology and solutions
  • Automation and shifting to remote working
  • Introducing new and novel technologies
  • Common solutions across organization
  • Fuel consumption optimization
  • Power-system optimization
  • Waste-heat recovery, hybrid systems, etc.

Energy-efficient and enhanced performance:

  • Environmentally friendly operation
  • Energy management system (EnMS)
  • Performance monitoring
  • Reduced operational cost (OPEX)
  • Reduced fuel consumption
  • Reducing GHG emissions

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