SMS Cyber Security Quick Check

Understanding of maritime cyber risks in light of the ISM Code

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With Resolution MSC.428(98), the IMO is encouraging flag states to ensure that cyber risks are appropriately addressed in safety management systems no later than the first annual verification of the company’s Document of Compliance after 1 January 2021.

Our SMS Cyber Security Quick Check covers the most relevant requirements of the ISM Code for handling cyber security risks, including:

  • Commitment throughout the entire organization
  • Safety and environmental protection policy addressing cyber security
  • Comprehensive cyber risk management to identify threats, assess potential consequences of compromised IT and OT systems, and roll out effective safeguards 
  • Procedures for normal operation and emergency situations 
  • Roles, tasks and responsibilities for onshore staff and on-board crew
  • Competence assurance and cyber security training programme
  • Cyber safety and cyber security maintenance of systems and data
  • Identification of vulnerabilities and weaknesses as well as execution of continuous improvements

Submit the form above and get immediate access to DNV’s SMS Cyber Security Quick Check.