Shaft alignment and propulsion shaft bearings


Over the last decade, the shipping industry has encountered recurring challenges regarding propeller shaft aft bearing damage. Such damage runs the risk of diminished or total loss of propulsion capability, costly repairs, off-hire time and loss of reputation – and even increased insurance premiums and/or deductibles.

This makes a robust, well-aligned propulsion shafting installation key to safeguarding the functionality and reliability of the main propulsion, as well as the safe, efficient operation of your vessel.

DNV, leveraging its vast experience in this field gained over the last decades, strives to address the industry’s needs – meaning safe and reliable propulsion shafting with top priority on the propeller shaft aft bearing performance.

Discover how DNV assists you with a variety of class and advisory services, as well as research project results available below.

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TMON(Oil lubricated, +) Class Notation

Download the new class notation


Safeguard shaft seals and propeller shaft bearings – avoid costly failures

Read our news (Jan, 2022)


Environmentally acceptable lubricants show reduced capabilities under certain conditions

Read our news (Oct, 2019)


Training: Propulsion Shaft Bearings - Maintenance & Damage Handling

Half-day training course (online) aimed at reducing risk and improving handling of propulsion shaft bearing damage.


Major findings of EAL study

Read our article (Oct, 2019)


DNV GL tackles shaft bearing challenges

Read our article (June, 2018)


Shaft alignment and propeller shaft aft bearing performance – recent trends call for action

Read our news (Feb, 2018)

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