Optimizing ship operations through maritime management systems

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Ship owners and managers are facing continuously increasing requirements and expectations from numerous stakeholders, such as cargo owners, charterers, banks, governments, international organizations, NGOs, employees, and from society at large.

This webinar focuses on how to use MMS to address challenges and opportunities, documenting the handling and positioning your organization for optimized use of resources, operations, branding and competitiveness. We also focus on how MMS can be used to effectively support decarbonization and ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) regulations.

Content of the webinar recording:

  • Decarbonization and EEXI/CII in the context of MMS
  • ESG management
  • How to utilize 'Fit for Purpose' MMS services and DNV’s Compliance Planner
  • Q&A session

The presenters were Georg Smefjell, Group Leader Management Systems; Paul Kuin, Principal Auditor Maritime Management Systems; Marte B Glosli , Sr Engineer, Regulatory Affairs; Carl-Erik Høy-Petersen, Business Development Leader, all from DNV

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